Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mascara Remover

A few months ago, I was reading a book entitled "Cheap Talk with the Frugal Friends" and came across this tip - it's a great one.

If you wear mascara and want a macara remover that is easy, effective, safe for your eyes, clean rinsing, nonirritating and recommended by pediatricians - (drum roll please) - baby shampoo, especially the tear free kind. The cheap brands are about $1 a bottle, but if you have sensitive eyes, I would go ahead and splurge on the $4 per bottle brand - it's gonna last you a long time anyway!


  1. Olive oil is another, wonderful product for removing mascara. I've used that on many occasions!

  2. Oi, sou o Clausewitz e gostaria de convidar você para visitar meu Blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil. Abração

  3. I use coconut oil; it takes just enough to get a finger oily (swipe your finger across the side of the jar) and smooth over your eye makeup. Use a cloth or toilet paper square to wipe off.
    Coconut oil is a natural alternative; good for your skin and a natural moisturizer!
    Love your blog...

  4. I use a dab of baby oil. Works great. I wash off my eyes with my face wash/soap after so as not to leave any oil residue.
